Thursday, February 19, 2015

Home again, 2/19/15

Got home late because of traffic, and I was on the wrong
side of town at the wrong time. Back home and happy to
be home, but time is short once again.

While on the way home, I got to thinking about the Ann
Coulter column I linked to this morning. She said there
isn't any reason to vote for the GOP anymore. The thought
I had was that there never really was any reason.

Why? I think we are at a place in our culture where it is
every man and woman for themselves. So, the voters think
that the politicians are there to deliver things to them
even if it is at the expense of everyone else. There is
no sense of community. There is no sense of public service.

The politicians are there to serve their own interests,
and they represent special interests. So, if anyone,
like Ann Coulter thinks that they are there for the public
good, then she is rather badly mistaken. Maybe the scales
are coming off her eyes.

The problem with so many people today is that they believe
the lies of the politicians. I don't know if it would make
any difference, but if there were enough public spirited
people out there, it would definitely make a difference.

You'll note that the rest of this post will look different.  That's because I was using a text editor for the post while this computer got its stuff together.  Anyway, there's no time, and I have to make do with what I've got when I've got it.  So, if I have to use a text editor because the computer is slow, that is what I'm dealing with.  Sorry for the mess.

To continue with the blog:  Look, this blog has always been about solutions.  But nobody is interested in them.  They want an advantage, not a solution.  People are self-seeking.  They don't want to give, but to get.  That is where our culture is, and that is why so many people like Ann Coulter are going to be unhappy with our politicians.  If people really wanted public servants, they'd be demanding that, and the politicians would have to supply that if they wanted to stay in office.  People are getting what they want, because they keep sending them back.  Ninety percent of congresscritters get reelected.  If you people out there were really unhappy, you'd stop doing this.

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