Saturday, February 21, 2015

Doing chores, 2/21/15

This is a substitute for the workday entries to the blog while I'm out there working.

Did a maintenance chore for the van, now I'm back.

Before I came back, I stopped by one of the local Home Depot locations, and looked around the place for over an hour.  I asked an employee how they treat him.  He said he was from San Francisco, and the people are friendlier here, but the pay is less.  However, the cost of living is less too.

While there, I noticed a few things else, like I still have a long way to go.  I found some peat moss, but no sand.  I had trouble with sand before.  If it is the first bag I got, it will have clay in it, and that's bad.  I noticed the tools.  One was a drill press, which wasn't all that expensive.  Very interesting.  There were some potted plants ready for transplant, including tomatoes and strawberries.  I got an idea to make a tiny garden and try my luck with it right here in H-town.  Saw a washtub for 20 bucks and a drain pan for not much different.  Some doors were outrageously expensive.  All in all, I'm getting more and more familiar with the store.

Stopped by the office at home and asked about any deliveries that may have come.  Not yet, she said.  I am expecting something before too long.

About that idea to grow some strawberries and tomatoes:  the lighting here is not that good, so it may need a grow light.  Doing the calcs on sand needed, and I'm friggin' amazed that it may need 3 bags of sand. Several bags of peat moss.  Whoa.  All this for a few strawberries and tomatoes?

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