Sunday, March 10, 2013

We Might be Muslim Today if....

Selwyn Duke, American Thinker.


  • The year is 632 A.D., and Muslim hordes have set their sights on the Mideast and North Africa -- the old Christian world [ comment:  Much of what is Muslim land today was once Christian lands, did you know that?]
  • After vanquishing much of Visigothic Iberia by 718, the Muslims cross the Pyrenees Mountains into Gaul (now France) and move northward. Now it is 732, and they are approaching Tours, a mere 126 miles from Paris. The Western world -- what's left of Christendom -- could very well be on its way to extinction.[ comment:  Spain is conquered and held by Muslims for hundreds of years, did you know that?  If they weren't stopped in modern day France, all of modern Europe would be Islamic.  Did you know that?]
  • Byzantine emperor Alexius I in Constantinople knows that his realm is too weak to resist. What is he to do?[ comment:  Byzantium was on its way to being conquered and was conquered just before Columbus set sail for America.  Did you know that?]
  • In a rousing sermon in front of more than 650 clerics and Christian nobles, he appeals to Europeans to stop bickering amongst themselves and rally to the aid of their eastern brothers.
    ..And thus was born the 11th-century Hammer writ large: the Crusades. [ comment: You are taught by the Death Cult that the Crusades were evil.  They were actually a defensive maneuver against the aggressive Islamic advance, which was to very nearly overrun all of Europe yet again.  Did you know that?]


People do not know their history.  The Death Cult has seen to that.  If people knew their history, they would have known the significance of the date September 11th.

It was on September 11 1683 that the conquering armies of Islam were met,held, and thrown back at the gates of Vienna.

Of course, the attacks of September 11, 2001 were preceded by an attack on the USS Cole on October 12th, 2000.  You see the symbolism?  The coincidences in the dates?  This was no accident.  The terrorists were sending a message.  They intended to conquer as Islam had conquered in the past.

I noted the anti-Americanism that accompanied the attacks of 9-11.  They practically accused George Bush of a Reichstag Fire, but that theory has a lot of holes.  The actual Reichstag Fire preceded an election by just a few days.  The attacks on 9-11 did not.  It was not an inside job, it was what it appeared to be.  An external attack by an enemy bent on conquest.  But this is not what we were told by the Death Cult.  The Death Cult and the far left are in agreement---they intend to conquer the West.  They managed to convince a large number of people that there was something disreputable about defending America.  They taught the people not to trust Bush and his approval ratings plummeted.

Now we have a President with an Islamic name who refused to come to the aid of Americans on September 11th.  Do you not see the symbolism of this?  The left has conquered this country's mind and has blinded it to the truth.  Here is this man who sympathizes with America's mortal enemy and refuses to come to the aid of Americans who are being attacked on the same day that America itself was attacked in 2001.  This date of the attack in Benghazi was no accident.  Obama's failure to respond was no accident.  When Obama attacked free speech in the UN, this too was no accident.  He's at war with this country.  The Death Cult has made sure that everyone is blinded to this reality.

Just as people do not know their history, they do not really know what is going on.  The media is giving the people the mushroom treatment.  If the people knew the truth, this would not be happening.

This is why the Death Cult wants your guns.  They want to shut down free speech.  They want to trample over the Constitution and establish tyranny.  They want to see the US Dollar destroyed.  They will not defend this country.

Now you know why the sequester is important and the failure to enforce it is a disaster in the making.  The Death Cult is taking this country apart brick by brick.

And the Republicans won't stop it.

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