Sunday, March 10, 2013

More people working in 2007 than today

The economy still hasn't recovered from the recession, even after nearly 4 years of recovery.  From the BLS, here's the evidence:

146.1 million working in 2007

143.5 million working today, need 2.6 million more working Americans to equal those working in 2007
If you bothered to notice, you'll see that the labor participation rate dropped again.  The unemployment rate is lower because fewer people are working, not from actual job creation.  We've got a long way to go just to get back where we were 6 years ago.

The year 2007 was about the time I knew there was going to be a recession.  As I recall, the credit markets had seized up at just about that time.

I've written about what I think of the current situation.  I consider it risky to be in paper assets.  If the dollar crashes, you could be wiped out in a hurry before you can do anything about it.  Even though it may not seem so at the moment, being in precious metals is a good idea.  It will always retain some value.

The economy appears to be getting better, but looks can be deceiving.   You have to dig deeper than the Dow and the unemployment rate.  That's true especially if you are putting money on the line.

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