Thursday, March 14, 2013

Why Anti-Fracking Environmentalists Are Holding Back the U.S.

John Stossel,


  • Stopping fracking is the latest cause of the silly people.
  • The real story on fracking, say scientists, is that the risks are small and the rewards immense.
  • Some won't be happy unless we go back to what we did before industrialization: burn lots of trees and die young.
  • Nothing is completely risk-free...But those risks are manageable. They are also far preferable to the risk of paying more for energy 
  • Good things happen if the silly people can't convince all politicians to ban progress.
The silly people are probably postmodern in their thinking.  Give up your mind to the collective!  All power to the Soviet!  It may be silly, but it is also dangerous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

502What's wrong with Aunty Fracking? I just saw her with Uncle Fricking and she looked marvelous.