Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Piers Morgan: We All Need Some Nannying, Sometimes

Ace of Spades

This world we used to live in, where people believed passionately in things and argued privately that others should believe these things too? Yeah, that world was for the birds. The real way to Show You're Right is to get a loathsome status to encode your opinion into law.

Passing An Law is now the ideological equivalent of Getting Married. Until you Pass An Law, you're just living in sin. You haven't sanctified your relationship with an idea. There is no state recognition of your relationship with the idea.
Yeah.  Postmodernism at work here.  If there's no truth, then there must be an authority that tells us what is right.  That means the authority or state.  People give up their minds to the state, you see.  You can't think for yourselves.  It must be verified up above.  Only then do we know if it is true or not.

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