Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Element of Predictable Surprise

Belmont Club, PJ Media

Kitfield’s sources think that something’s up, though nobody is sure what it is. “As a number of ascendant terrorist groups jockey for primacy, U.S. intelligence experts also fear they will compete for legitimacy by launching spectacular attacks on the West, the coin of the realm when Islamic extremists compete for followers and funds. Given the number of European jihadists now fighting in Syria and their proximity to the continent, the first blow may well fall in Europe, but no one can be sure. What the U.S. and Western intelligence agencies share is a vague foreboding that they are about to be blindsided.”--- Richard Fernandez

Blindsided?  You've got BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA in the White House.  There's no way you can be BLINDSIDED.  The assumption is that you have vision, but were blinded by something somehow.  IF YOU PUT THIS ISLAMIC SYMPATHIZER in the White House, you should not be BLINDSIDED by anything, because you are already blind.

You should have known better than that, Assholes.  You guaranteed another big attack by putting this dude in the White House.

 If the so-called opposition party, the GOP, had any cojones, they would have been calling a spade a spade when it mattered.

Yeah, I know this is provocative, but somebody has got the idea that I'm going to back off BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

Ain't gonna happen.  You can stick a gun in my face and I will still say the same damned thing.  Maybe even louder.

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