Saturday, July 26, 2014

Checking in: 7/26/14

I'm rather tired and didn't sleep well.

Actually, I got up about 5 am or so, and researched something related to the property out west.

Sorry to be so secretive, but not everything is going to be disclosed.  There is no "right to know".  There is only the willingness to share.  I'll share what I feel comfortable about sharing.

I suppose it is necessary to discuss a few things though, in order that the blog is to have content.  Frankly, the content part is getting a bit harder to produce, most likely because it is getting a little too close and personal.

This outside stuff, like yesterday's demonstration, is precisely the kind of stuff I won't miss.  Yet, one is obliged to pay attention to it, despite one's preferences.  After all, it is our country.  Or it used to be.

Really, the presence of foreigners of a hostile part of the world on our soil is a bit too much to take.  What are our "leaders" thinking?  I'm thinking that if they won't serve the interests of the people and the Constitution that they swore an oath to, then they must be replaced.  If it takes force to remove them, then so be it.  They are not the government.  They are only agents of the government.  Their authority is only as good as their fidelity to the Constitution.  The Constitution is sovereign --- they are not.  That is an important distinction for people to make.  Removal of THEM doesn't not necessarily imply treason because for it to be so, they have to be the state.  If they are not faithful to the sovereign, then they are traitors, and SHOULD be removed for the good of the sovereign.  The Constitution means the Constitution as written.  Not as it has been "interpreted" for interpretation may be just an attempt at usurpation.  Anybody can read the Constitution and see that it doesn't say what the interpreters say that it says.

If there is to be a forceful removal of unfaithful elected officials, somebody has to lead it.  As for myself, I can come up with these thoughts, but I'm not the type who would lead such an endeavor.  The trouble is this: for one who is capable of such a thing might well be the type of person who would be even more unfaithful than the ones currently occupying the offices.

The US government is itself an "occupied territory".  To free American, the occupiers might well have to be removed.

Then how can it be successful?  Well, the ones leading the forceful removal cannot be considered for office themselves.  They will have to set up the machinery that will allow an honest election to take place so that trust can be restored.

Is an election possible in such a scenario?  Don't know.  It would be unprecedented as far as I can tell.

If a war is to take place, sides will have to be chosen.  My opinion is that with the current crop of worthless "leaders", we are most likely to get something worse from the outcome of a war.  Unless somebody emerges that is worthy of trust and will be unquestionably faithful to the Constitution as written, I will not support them in any way.  And I won't take sides.

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