Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tainted food

2:22 PM

So where do you go to get your vittles?

In the good 'ol days, we'd sometimes go to the Farmer's Market back there in Houston. Looked it up, and it's still there, but is it the same?

πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰Quick update: Chemicals linked to breast cancer found in food packaging.


RFK Jr.'s issue here, you guys. That is, if you're paying attention. I wasn't. I am now, by golly, by gosh. After what I heard, word of mouth. Not everything is out there on the web, and if you don't frequent Facebook or Tic Tock, or whatever the crap it's called.

You absolutely have to read the labels. Wal-Mart is bad about this, or so I've heard. The stuff they sell may not be truly fit for human consumption. There's a video I saw that is really bad. Ice cream sandwiches that don't melt. My God. That stuff gets in your body, there's little wonder if you get sick.

There's stuff on store shelves that's got LEAD in it. It says so ON THE LABEL. Question: How the hell does that get on a store shelf for food that's fit to eat??????????

What's our glorious overlords doing about this, eh? I never heard about this one on that RIGGED DEBATE. Seems like that would be something that you'd want to hear about, no? Not everybody is on Facebook and Tick Tock, and not everybody gets around that much. They may be old and sick, you know.

There's stories on the news about bad food. There's that story about listeria. But it seems isolated and not commonplace. Well, hold on there hoss. It just might be a lot more commonplace than you think.

This could be a big deal, and actually is on Facebook and Tic Tock. Wonder why it isn't on the BIG MEDIA outlets? Maybe they'll CENSOR these stories cuz they don't want people to know that they're being poisoned. Might hurt business and get some politicians in deep trouble. Now who is it that gets all that big corporate money in campaign donations?

Pisses me off, man.

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