Thursday, September 26, 2024

Election engineering


10:51 AM

Back to Bongino... Bongino asks why the government is not being more open and honest? The government has this so-called investigation, but information is not being released. The report is out, but we still don't have the full story, and likely will never have it.

Meanwhile, Biden allows Trump to be dehumanized and compared to an insect on the TV, and then swats the table, as if to swat Trump, and people laugh.

If there's an assassination, and likely there will yet another attempt, they'll play innocent. They're playing the see no evil, hear no evil routine. That's bravo sierra.


All caps are being used for emphasis. It is a very serious question.

Besides all that, they want people to believe that they care about rule of law, democracy and such. How can all that be true, and them acting like this? Does Biden get on TV and let these women talk like that, and then dehumanize Trump himself IF HE CARED ABOUT DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW?

I say hell no, he doesn't care. And neither does the audience. They're fakes on this issue.

10:12 AM

Stinchfield and Bongino are friends, says Stinchfield. Well, ok. There may be a duplication of effort here. But that is ok. Sort of. I'm trying to be as efficient with time as possible, you see. Time is running short. And I have other important tasks. It so happens that I haven't heard from somebody that I may hear from today, so I have a bit more time than I thought when I began the day.

9:47 AM

"The buck stops here." That was posted on President Truman's desk. Somebody has to be responsible when things go wrong. Who is responsible for the Secret Service failure? This is what is being talked about a bit later in the Stinchfield video. I'm saying that ultimately it is Biden's fault. But he acts like the Secret Service did a good job. Otherwise, heads would be rolling. Instead, they got PROMOTIONS.

Bongino talked a lot about this too. Lots of blame for the people in charge at the scene. But everybody is trying to deflect blame (or deny that there was a failure). Meanwhile, the problem doesn't get addressed and there's a real issue with security of Trump.

Meanwhile, the Media, which includes shows like The View, has an audience that laughs when Biden allows Trump to be referred to as an insect that can be swatted away ( in this case killed). Unreal.

9:00 AM

I was watching the Stinchfield video, and I realized Bongino talked about it 2 months ago, and realized this was "old news". Yeah, to those who listen or watch Bongino. It would be new news to those who watch the major media. Stichfield falls withing those two levels of knowledge. But I didn't watch Stinchfield, so I don't know how much he's been talking about it. Point is, with a lack of reporting ( glasnost ) from the major media, not enough people are informed about this. Instead, we get those people on the View laughing when Biden swats the bug that represents Trump. The audience laughed. That's not funny, you people. The link above was to the NY Times. They don't mention the swatting reference. Point made.

8:30 AM

Due to the needs of my current situation, I didn't have time this morning to review this video, as mentioned below. I've managed to cobble together a bit more time to review another 12 minutes of it.

He said something about the lack of transparency in this administration. This reminded me of the time in the Soviet Union's late history, when Gorbachev pushed the reforms called "glasnost" and "perestroika". Since these Democrats are now acting a lot like the late Soviets, I'd like to remind people that we may need a bit of "glasnost" and "perestroika" in OUR country right now. Those two Russian words mean "speaking openly" and "restructuring". We definitely need something like that in Washington DC.

If Harris wins, it's more Soviet style politics. America will be "radically transformed" like Obama wanted. It was thought that he meant civil rights, but apparently he wanted a Soviet style government instead. That's what he will get. He's the power behind the throne, and he's responsible for a lot of the crap that has been going on. But you can't say that because "racism". I say bravo sierra to that.

5:53 AM

A quick summary and post, because writing long detailed posts takes a lot of effort and time. Time is short.

If you have the time, watch this video. Normally, I'd watch it and offer comments and thoughts on it. I watched about the first four minutes of it, and concluded that this guy is adding more meat to the bones, so to speak. It is the concept of "election engineering", which is a term that I take to mean that the government is interfering in a systemic way to get Harris over the finish line.

The media will chip in that what Stinchfield discusses is just more conspiracy theories.

If the media and the government agencies were honest, the problems listed in this video would be far better known, and there'd be a far better chance of having them corrected. But that is unlikely.

A quick theory ( conspiracy or not ), is that this is the very way in which they are stealing the election. In short, an example was that Secret Service assets were denied Trump in Wisconsin in a bid to get him to cancel a rally. This is a deliberate act to favor Harris, in my opinion. It proceeds from top to bottom of the Establishment. I don't know if this video will show that, but it is my suspicion.

There won't be time to prove any of this before the election. By then, it will be too late. You have to cut to the chase, and save time in any way you can. That means, if you are convinced it is a possibility, then invoke Murphy's Law, and say that it probably is occurring. In other words, my theory is correct. Election enginneeing would be against the law ( Hatch Act ), because this is actually illegal for government employees to use government assets for political purposes. But we don't have time to go through the courts, and the courts are tainted too!

Anyway, here is the video.

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