Saturday, September 28, 2024

The main point in which I disagree with modern "conservative" thought

9/28/24, 6:49 AM:

Modern conservative thought isn't really conservative. That is why I use the scare quotes and refer to them as so-called "conservatives". Neo-cons aren't conservative, for example. But it goes much deeper. Most of the Republican conference is not conservative. That's regardless of whatever the GOP candidates say these days about the topic. Quick afterthought: Liz Cheney wants a new "conservative" party? She endorsed Kamala Harris, who is a closet Marxist! As for the little Bush, aka "Shrub", he went neutral on the endorsements. Will he secretly vote for Harris? You can believe the "con" part of neo-con. We are being conned all right.

The Cheneys and the Bushes like to claim Reagan, but they ran against him in 1980. Since that was 44 years ago, the majority of people who are voting this cycle weren't even born yet. What's the median age? I would hazard to say it is less than 44 years old. Not to mention the fact that it takes 18 years to grow up! Shoot, anybody under 60 would have only an incomplete understanding of what was going on at that time.

Modern "conservatives" are yesterday's squishes! Consequently, there's little wonder that they always fold like a accordion. That's how squishes got their name. Squishes are what pass for conservative these days.

You won't hear Trump say that the government is the problem. Reagan did. Trump is definitely not Reagan. If Trump ran more like Reagan, he'd at least sound a bit more like Reagan. I still think that he'd win the day as convincingly as Reagan did.

I didn't vote for Reagan in 1980. However, I didn't think he was Hitler. Far from it. But I don't think any Republican, even the squishes ( by today's standards ) are Hitler. The modern left does that. I thought Reagan was too lenient with the left! That's why I didn't vote for him. But even I was "under the influence" of the left. I just got out of school, which was even then, a liberal factory making little liberals.

Things have changed over the last 44 years. It has affected even the conservative movement. There's very little conservatism left in conservatism. That's too bad. If somebody advocated more for it, it would still win. That's because nobody really likes what's going on. The thing that is driving all of this disenchantment is modern day liberalism, which is antagonistic towards conservatism. It was true during Reagan's time, and is certainly true today.

It's not enough to oppose the left with vigor. You need to know your enemy, and even more, you need to know yourself. Somewhow, I feel that we're dropping the ball.

Trump is the best we've got right now. That doesn't make him perfect. Saying so doesn't make you a victim of the cult of personality. It's just another one of the many lies that are getting told. It was a real eye opener in 2016 to hear Republicans talking like Democrats. We need to straighten our own house, and that's our biggest problem. Otherwise, we cannot get the decisive kind of win that Reagan got in 1980. The situation is far more dire now than then.


So, Chuckles had an interview with a friendly face again. Much has been made of her vacuous answers, and rightly so. But one thing should be observed with regards to taxing and spending. We spend far, far more than the government takes in revenue. Consequently, there are massive budget deficits, and these deficits are leading to massive growth in the money stock.

According to the late Milton Friedman, inflation is everywhere and always a monetary phenomenon. The growth in the money supply has been causing our inflation. No doubt about it now.

In order to cure inflation, the budget should be balanced. But every attempt to do this has ended in failure. The reason is that there has never been a political will to properly address the issue.

During the Reagan years, this was a big issue. But it has disappeared for the last twenty of so years since the George W Bush presidency. Bush came into power there was a balanced budget.

The Clinton Administration took credit for this, but at the heart of it, the modern left does not adhere to fiscal discipline. You can research it if you wish, and you'll find that Clinton was against a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution. So were all Democrats.

Truth be told, many Republicans are against it too. This is where the "Uniparty" comes in. The GOP is split on this issue, and will not allow any meaningful action that would bring the budget into balance.

How do you balance the budget? In theory it is simple. Just spend what you take in terms of revenue. Everybody does this, only the government is different.

The public cannot do it because the public cannot print funny money. Funny money being defined as the creation of money off the printing presses. Of course, the government doesn't even need printing presses any more. The government can just add zeroes to the end of numbers in the computer, and vastly increase the money supply at the click of a mouse.

So I'll just call all of this that I've described as the 800 lb gorilla in the room, that nobody in politics ( and the public ) will acknowledge.

The public is to blame too, because these spending programs are popular. Which ones to cut?

Combine that with a tax policy that is inadequate to pay for all this spending, and voila--- massive deficits. We don't even talk about these anymore.

Which reminds me of what Darth Cheney the Elder said: He said that we learned in the 1980's that deficits don't matter anymore. The chickens are coming home to roost on that kind of foolish thinking.

I'd say the Bush Administration is at fault for introducing this whirlwind of fiscal irresponsibility because of what Darth Cheney the Elder said. The Vice President of that time and his boss, one George W Bush, said that. We have had no fiscal discipline since.

But the Democrats cannot go unscathed in this criticism. The Democrats are doing what they've always done. They are the party of unlimited government.

Ronald Reagan isn't at fault. At least we discussed fiscal discipline in those years. We don't do that anymore. The government has no discipline at all. It is totally out of control. It is the 800 lb gorilla in the room that isn't being addressed.

Kamala the Klown Kar isn't addressing the issue. But neither is Trump.

Somebody needs to.

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