Sunday, March 10, 2024

Liz Cheney AP story discussion ( Stupid girl)


Another stupid girl update. She's really embarrassing herself now.

end update of last post of 2/3/24:

2/3/24: Update of last update to this post of 10/23/23:

I've been pretty rough on stupid people, and in particular, the women. But here's a question that will always pop up: How do you know when there's stupidity ( by the definition being used here)? One should ask cui bono... or who benefits? After that, then ask, how durable is the benefit. Is it temporary advantage, or is it permanent? If it is permanent, are you sure that it is? Maybe then, it could be considered smart. If it fails the tests, then maybe it is stupid.

Right now, the Liz Cheney/Nikki Haley types look like the Stupid Girls in the song. But maybe not. Maybe the guys really are stupid, and will lose out to the girls. After all, the guys girls have no accountability. That's smart, eh? Er, maybe not. Eventually what comes round goes round. But if there's no such thing as karma, then maybe they really are smart.

I'm going to say that they're not. They're pretending. Whatever the real answer, the world that they are creating around themselves won't last. What else can you call that, but stupid?

In the comment section of this post, someone called the US the "United Snakes". Faith in the good 'ol USA seems to be lagging. Why do you suppose that is?

end update, the last update is below:

Update of the 10/16/23 post :

Just had this thought a little while later... A turn of phrase is in order... there she goes again. Cheney sounds just like a Democrat.

now, we get to the original update..

Liz Cheney won't rule out a 2024 Presidential run. If the idea is to win, she doesn't run. But that's not her idea. She sounds like a Democrat. Why would any real Republican vote for this hag? She is a guaranteed loser. That's the whole point. That's the whole point of the GOP these days, and that is to LOSE. Any talk about winning, which includes the likes of Cheney, is a guaranteed loser.

Maybe she isn't a stupid girl. Maybe she's evil. Evil in the sense of being a liar and a fraud.

end update:

Update to post written on Aug 17, 2022:

Daily update(s) 2: :

Backtrack a bit: Tokyo Rose was pardoned by President Gerald R. Ford. Her story is in the video below. I was under the impression that she was a notorious propagandist for the Japanese during WW II. She may have been just an unfortunate person caught in a bad place at the worst possible time. If that is the case, then it was a bad example.

However, the story did reveal that she did in fact say something that she should not have. By the way, if she said anything harmful to American interests, it should be realized that she may have been under duress. A better example, instead of Tokyo Rose, might well have been Jane Fonda.

But the Vietnam War wasn't exactly popular. She too may have an out.

Anyway, here's the video about Tokyo Rose.

end daily update (2):

(1) 6:26 PM local

Lol. There are just a handful of media conglomerates that control what most people hear and see. AP might as well be "Tokyo Rose"- whose sole purpose and reason for existence- was to demoralize America. Why should anyone believe entities that do not necessarily support our country? Their loyalties are not necessarily with the USA. It is foolish to listen to them.

The Western Journal is the source for this tweet, by the way. I clicked on the tweet from there. It is correct that this SHOULD backfire, as the Western Journal hopes for. But there's no guarantee that it will. That fact that there are a substantial number of gullible people out there that listen to this propaganda and actually believe the political left's lies.

Echoing the left shows the foolishness of Liz Cheney and the like. It is not for nothing that I wrote what I did earlier.  The stupidity is epic. But she's not the only one. This is Cheney's real value to the enemies of America. Those enemies are in positions of influence, and they have to go. Those who were fooled by the enemy need to smarten up- and quick.

end daily update(1):

Update to post written on Aug 17, 2022:

Nothing has changed here. Liz Cheney is still running off at the mouth when she should shut the hell up. She's a "stupid girl"--- like the song.

There was no insurrection. There's nothing to prevent Pence to have sent it back to the states like they do in courtrooms when they poll the jury. The state legislatures have plenary authority on how the electoral votes are to be awarded. If Pence "polled the jury", we may have been able to find out if the various state legislatures had their will respected. It may not have made any difference, but it would have been according to the law.

When Cheney and the Democrats keep running off at the mouth, they are either lying about this, or are stone cold ignorant. The Supreme Court couldn't rule because the Democrats and their accomplices in the GOP helped them gin up an "insurrection". Their claim was never convincingly argued because there's no evidence to support it.

Cheney and the Dems arranged a Star Chamber to convict Trump of insurrection and it failed in the court of public opinion. Not only that, a jury trial for another Star Chamber proceeding would fail in the Supreme Court if it ever makes it there, and if the Court is actually faithful to the law. That isn't guaranteed, by the way.

In any case, the pursuit of this failed approach is stupid. Give it up already.

end update:

There will be no link provided to the article. It's AP. You could find it if you want to.

An answer to a question not posed: Why write about this? It gives me the chance to say "because it's there." One thing you can say about these people-- they are there all right.

There were a few things of interest to me in this story. One thing is the story itself. Where's the justification for playing up Cheney's talk of a 2024 Presidential Campaign? After losing by such a large margin, it would seem that her prospects are very poor. There aren't a shortage of Never-Trumpers who'd like to take a shot at it. Given that their representation is a minority within the GOP, they'd be dividing their small numbers even more. Cheney cannot be a viable opponent for Trump. This election should have determined that.

Another point of interest in this AP article is the sentence which says that the GOP is rapidly moving to the "right". AP isn't alone in using this kind of language. It is for this reason that I say that to use this term in reference to oneself is like shooting yourself in the foot. AP isn't alone all right. You've got a lot of "conservative" people using that word in describing themselves. This AP article should tell you why they shouldn't do that. You see, there is a strong correlation of "fascist" with "right". Saying that Trump is moving the GOP "right" is like calling the GOP a bunch of fascists. Which is what the left likes to do in any event. If Cheney DID run, and if Cheney DID get the nomination, they'd do that to her too. They did it to George W Bush, and they did it to his father. Why wouldn't they do that to her? There are too many GOP types shooting themselves in the foot. This is what they do best.

Of course AP calls January 6th an "insurrection". They don't even pretend to be objective. It was a riot, in which was questionable in my opinion as to WHO CAUSED IT. Instead of the January 6th Committee trying to do an objective investigation of how this could happen, we get another anti-Trump witch hunt. The committee didn't move the needle in public opinion. In fact, they may have LOST GROUND. Instead of reporting THAT, the AP goes through the usual boiler plate anti-Trump spiel.

AP is playing Cheney and the Never-Trumper wing of the GOP. On the one hand, the Never-Trumpers say Trump was somehow dishonorable in his behavior since the 2020 election, they disregard the fact that he is the center of the party. They lost that, and that is the core of their problem. If they had a case to make against Trump, they have failed again and again. In so doing, they have done far more damage to themselves than what they ever did to Trump. The political left know this, and that is the point of the story. That part of the GOP never seems to get it, and probably never will. In fact, their only reason to exist seems to be to continually be the cause for failure of GOP's supposed "principles".

Trump was the supporter of conservative principles. Why attack him? Those like Cheney who do aren't really interested in those principles that they are so loud in proclaiming as their own. They might as well be as fake as the rest of the "plastic banana good time rock and roll liberals" that they love so much to join. Perhaps the reason that Trump succeeds is the fact that people are tired of that fakery, and want some real action on what they tend to vote for, and do not get. The Cheney's of their failing faction will never truly represent their "principles" any more than Cheney did in Wyoming. That's why she lost so BIGLY.

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