Friday, January 1, 2016

"Super intelligence" tandem to solve AGW "problem" ?

Computers aren't smart.  They can only do exactly what they are instructed to do.  They can appear smart, if the programmers are smart enough to emulate intelligence in a convincing way.  You only have the intelligence of a computer programmer collaborating with a bunch of numbskulls who think computers are smart enough to tell them anything.

The trouble with this line of thinking is that there are those who are relying upon computers to do their own thinking for them.  That is all but an admission of failure, as far as I'm concerned.

I may get some argument for this, but what the hay?

You know, I was thinking about this just a few moments ago.  If you disagree with liberals, they tend to get mad at you.  It is like you are attacking them personally.  It isn't personal with me.  I just think they are stupid.

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