Monday, December 28, 2015

The Truth About Slavery: Past, Present and Future

Absolutely astounding factual information about slavery.  Slavery was called America's Original Sin.  Well, whether or not you agree with that or not, one thing you may not know, ( which I didn't) is that there were nearly as many white slaves as black slaves imported into America.  Yep, betcha you didn't know that one.

In other words, slavery wasn't confined to race in the beginning.  It ended up that way, sure, but it didn't start that way.

Slaves were treated much more kindly in America than was the case in Muslim territories.  Black slaves were treated more kindly than the white slaves in America!  Why?  African slaves required black African warlords to capture black slaves because the average white man doesn't live long in Africa back then- the consequence was higher costs.  Yep, you probably didn't know that one either.  ( Or maybe I assume that you don't know it cuz I didn't know it.  Most likely, the average person doesn't know, because if you did, you would be impervious to the guilt trip being laid on you for being a white person. )

So much of modern day liberalism depends upon laying the guilt trip on white people for being "racist".  The historical truth is a bit different.  Of course, you are not educated that way, because if you were, there goes their power.


Marcel F. Williams said...

You never heard of white slavery (indentured servitude) in America??? I guess they really don't teach much history in schools anymore:-)

Indentured servant


Greg said...

Dear Marcel Williams:

Yes, I've heard of indentured servitude. The point that I may not have made very well was that it was a form of slavery. The way it was labeled ( not as white slavery, but as indentured servitude ) may be how it glossed over the fact that it was indeed slavery. My observation is that did not begin as a racial phenomenon, but ended up that way. Largely because it was the only way to preserve the institution of slavery. The US Constitution banned the African slave trade after 1808 ( if memory serves ), so the only way to keep slaves on the plantations was to make sure they never got off. This was one of the author of the video's points. Slaves couldn't buy their freedom, they weren't permitted to be freed even if the deceased slaveholder's wills provided it. Therefore, their slave status was permanently inherited, just as one's race is inherited.

In other words, racism had to be instituted in order to preserve slavery. Indeed, poor whites had to act as a racial police force in order to round up slaves. These poor whites weren't paid, and in fact, this can also be considered as a type of slavery itself. The poor whites may have had only their limited freedom that allowed themselves to feel superior to the black slaves. In other words, the feeling of white supremacy had to be instituted amongst the poor whites so as to make their own involuntary servitude bearable. Otherwise, slavery would have died out like "indentured servitude" did in the North.

Sorry for any misunderstanding. Thanks for writing.