Friday, November 13, 2015

Obligatory, 11.13.15; Catering to weakness

There was this post recently, in which I discussed courage.  The failure of our political class is that both parties encourage weakness in the population.  They cater to weakness.  They don't push people to become bigger and better people.  They are probably afraid of a backlash, as a pampered and spoiled rotten populace rebels against discipline.

Military service should be mandatory, as in Switzerland.  Every man keeps his own rifle, per second amendment.  Instead of that, we get the volunteer services, which cater to the general population's desire to stay out of the "poop" and "in the rear with the gear".  ( A little Full Metal Jacket lingo there )

While on the subject of that movie, we need a Sgt. Hartmann to whip us into shape.  We have become fat, lazy, sloppy, and stupid.  We are losing our culture and our civilization.

Homosexuality is catering to a weakness.  It should be against the law like it once was.  We have Anthony Kennedy to thank for overturning that law, and instituting homosexual marriage.  It is catering to weakness.  Homosexuals should overcome their weakness.   It should be REQUIRED that they do so.

Abortion is catering to weakness.  Getting pregnant and aborting the child allows both who are responsible to shirk their responsibilities as adult human beings.  Granting the "right" to an abortion only caters to the weakness of being irresponsible.

The left advocates these foolish policies.  The so-called right only pretends to be against them.  Once the test comes, they typically fold.  It is up to the people to insist that they shoulder their duties and resist the left.  We the people need to be like Sgt. Hartmann.   No more pukes!

You can go down the line in all the pathologies today, same thing.  Catering to weakness.  Drugs and so forth.  You people need to shape the hell up.

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