Thursday, November 12, 2015

Groan. Can the GOP ever get it together?

Came across this at Instapundit.  The article linked to is a criticism of Ben Carson.  The trouble is, I don't see why the reason for the certainty that the man is wrong on some of what he says.

It may be possible that Carson talks a bit much about things he doesn't know that much about.  Hence, some of the unwise commentary.  That could be a product of not being a lifelong politician.  Eventually, politicians learn not to do that, but even then, there are some things that got said last night that were questionable; even amongst those who should have known better.

Why pick on Ben Carson?  He wasn't the only one.  He may have spoke less, but that was because he wasn't asked.  Others interrupted in order to get more speaking time.  It was noted at various times.

Somebody has to win.  Then you'll have to accept it or stay home.  Lots of GOP voters stayed home in 2012.  Enough to lose to Hussein.  Is that what we want?

Is there a candidate who, if he won, it would cause me to stay home?  Maybe Lindsey Graham, if he is still in the running.  Does the writer feel that much against Carson?

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