Thursday, November 12, 2015

Reichstag Fire

I'm wondering at the moment whether or not the Mizzou controversies are somehow meant as a false flag operation in order to suspend civil liberties.

The history of the Reichstag Fire is recounted in this Wikipedia entry.  There is some disagreement as to whether or not the Reichstag Fire really was a false flag operation, or what the Nazis were accusing it of being; a subversive plot by the Communists in order to bring about a revolution.   Thus, I think the key to it is not who was doing it or why, but how it was being used, quote:

...the Nazis used the fire to solidify their power and eliminate the communists as political rivals

The Nazis eliminated the communist's representation in the Reichstag in order to give themselves a majority, which they did not have before.

The Nazis never won an election by gaining an absolute majority, but they did have a plurality.  With the elimination of the communists, they gained the majority and passed the Enabling Act, which suspended civil liberties.  Therefore, they used the event of the fire in order to suspend civil liberties.  This ushered in one party rule that didn't end until the Nazis were defeated on the battlefield.

So, what are the protesters trying to achieve at the university?  Aren't they trying to get civil liberties curtailed?  "Safe zones" where nobody can contradict the political correctness arbiters?

This may be a trial balloon in order to see if they can get the First Amendment stricken not only on campus, but throughout the United States.  Michael Moore wants this to go nationwide.  Really?  Why?  Because somebody might have called a black guy a nigger?  So that's what is has come to in this country?  How do you know that this even happened?  How do you know that these KKK threats that they are talking about even occurred?  Even if the threats did occur, does it require that they go into hysterics?

You can bring in the police in order to improve security, but they don't trust the police.  Why?  Because they have propagandized against the police in order to set this up.  The police cannot be trusted, who is to maintain order?  Isn't it inevitable then that something is going to happen and they will use this event in order to escalate their demands?  These events could be used in order to demand more and more so as to get complete control over the discussion in this country.

That cannot be allowed.

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