Saturday, November 14, 2015

Obligatory, 11.14.15; Random thoughts

You have to have a title.  I don't know if this ends up as a random thought kind of post, because it all tends to veer back into this word called TRUTH.

Indeed, what is truth?  Truth may mean differing things to different people.  There is a tendency to equate BELIEF with TRUTH, but the two are definitely not the same thing.  An example?  The people who arrested Galileo did not believe Galileo was telling the truth, as they believed that they were the ones in possession of the TRUTH.  If you believe the way those people believed, you would be considered in these modern times to be an ignoramus.  Certainly, the people in Galileo's time and Galileo himself could not both be right.  Postmodernism hadn't been invented yet.  Yes, my dear snowflakes, only one of them had to be right and the other had to be wrong.   We now know who was right and who was wrong.  Galileo was definitely in the minority in his time.  But notice what is believed can change.  The TRUTH itself is unchangeable.  It is eternal.  Sort of like God.

Let me segue into what I read on Limbaugh's page yesterday.  Limbaugh said that Clinton believed in his own lies.  Hello?  Anybody home there in the office of the mayor of "Realville"?  If Clinton believed in what he said, how can he be lying?  Clearly, there must be some confusion in "Realville" about what the word "lying" means.  So, what does lying actually mean?  I could point to the dictionary and get that out, but won't.  My understanding of lying requires that you know what the TRUTH is.  If you believe that you know what the TRUTH is, and you speak to that effect, even though it may be wrong, it isn't necessarily lying.  Lying means to know the truth and DECEIVE another about it so as to prevent the other from knowing the TRUTH.  Clinton could not believe his own lies then and be lying at the same time.  This is a logical contradiction.  I think the word for it is called a tautology.  Therefore, like the people in Galileo's time, if Clinton is wrong, and he believes in what he is saying is right, then he can certainly not be lying about it.  No, he would just be wrong.

Just for the record, it bears remembering that Bill Clinton was caught red handed in one big fat lie about Monica Lewinski.  How can he not be having sex with Monica Lewinski and have his semen stains on her blue dress?  If he believed that he wasn't having sex with Monica Lewinski, then he was like Bruce Jenner in a sense.  Bruce Jenner thinks he's a she, but that is impossible.  There's something wrong upstairs in Bruce Jenner's head if he truly believes he's a she.  Girls don't become fathers.  And semen stains appear on a dress because of what?  The dog surely didn't pee on it.

The accusation of lying is abused in my opinion.  That in itself could be a form of lying.

Why do people lie?  It must spring forth as all actions do--- from some type of motivation.  The motivations can be amongst many, but it can be distilled down into one general one, if I may be so bold.  People lie in order to get something that they wouldn't get if they were truthful.  To put it in another way, a liar seeks to get an advantage.

Now some amongst the conservative side would say to me---who's side are you on?  Why are you defending Clinton, and criticizing Rush?  Don't you know that these Clintonoids are no good?  Rush is the good guy.  Yes, I suspect that the Clintonoids aren't so good.  But fighting them with more evil isn't necessarily going to produce anything good.  To defeat the Clintons, one must remain faithful to the truth.   But you should always be faithful to the truth.  What is it about the Clintons that makes you want to deviate from that?

This was supposed to be a random thought kind of post, but it seems not to be at the moment.  You don't like it?  Sue me.  Bwah, hah, hah!

Seriously, I don't want you to sue me.  I don't want you to beat me up.   I just want you to read my blog. Pretty please.  With sugar on it, even.  Okay, I might be lying.  Just a little about that.  Sometimes, when you tell the truth about someone, you are likely going to produce some anger.  The truth is that I would rather make you mad than have you read my blog.  If my blog offends you, it can only be because you do not respect the truth.  I try to.  Really, I do.  And that is definitely no joke.  Even if it turns people off so bad that they won't come back to my blog.

Notice that I emphasize the word try.  I am only human and I am subject to error.  I realize certain of us are snowflakes and are never capable of even the smallest mistake.  Ever, ever, ever.  But I cannot be confused with the snowflakes.  I make my share of mistakes, believe you me.

Maybe that is enough for now.  Maybe the snowflakes can take just so much.

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