Friday, October 11, 2013

Latest shut down theatrics

Just went on Breitbart via Drudge and got some horrible news, or so it seems.  The GOP leadership offered Obama a six week deal to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling in exchange for a promise.  In other words, nothing.  Obama said no.

If that wasn't enough to stop this now, I don't know what is.

What I mean is that the GOP should stop negotiating with itself.  Now he's got all of the GOP faithful up in arms about this latest cave in.  Or what looks like a cave in.

If it really is a cave in, it is going to get more and more humiliating.  They will end up giving Obama everything he wants and they will get nothing.  At that point, they will earn the total disrespect of everyone.

On the other hand, it could be a ruse.  I hope there is a method to this madness.  But if they do a complete cave in and get nothing at all, they will splinter the party most likely.  By "they", I mean the GOP leadership.  Obama is just taking advantage of them, again assuming that they cave in.

I'm hoping that they don't.  Remember your Texas history---Sam Houston retreated right up the point that he finally gave battle.  Then he won.  All the leadership has to do is to fight and they will win.  But they are giving no sign that they actually will.

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