Thursday, October 10, 2013

Conspiracy to keep you poor and stupid

It's hard to come up with a post this morning.  Not that I feel bad or anything.  Nor in a bad mood.  Nothing like that at all.  No, it is quite the opposite.

The idea that we could be on the verge of a great new age is having an unusual effect.  I find euphoria to be bad for writing.

Gotta find something to be pissed off about.  So, I'll take a stab at this conspiracy thing.

First of all, look at all the good things in energy and space that seem to have been suppressed:
  1. Molten-salt reactors.  Proved in the lab and then ignored for 40 years.
  2. Cold fusion.  The perfect solution to an energy problem that policy makers aren't interested in solving, it seems.
  3. Yes, even hot fusion.   Promising ideas there go unfunded.
  4. The failure to make a reusable spacecraft.  I'm thinking the Shuttle here.  That was a failure, a planned failure.
  5. The scuttling of the Venture Star program for an SSTO craft.  Well underway, it was stopped because of a faulty composite tank.  But composite tanks weren't necessary and offered no advantage anyway.  Another planned failure.
  6. The scuttling of a nuclear thermal rocket.  The Nerva was deemed space ready, but was scrapped because the Congress didn't want to spend the money for a Mars program.  The Shuttle ended up spending as much as the moon program.  No money was saved, and nothing was accomplished.
There has been all of this interest in solar and wind even though that won't work.  Why so much interest in things that don't work, and little interest in things that do work or will work if only they were tried?

Any of these in the list could have been big time successes, but they all were stopped.  The costs to the nation can hardly be calculated.  Could it all have been incompetence and blindness?  Or was it all deliberately done so as to keep people in chains and in poverty?  If so, could there be an explanation that makes sense?

Could there be a practical reason for keeping people poor?  What would happen if nobody had to work anymore?  Would they lose their work ethic and morality and slip into degeneracy?

I mean that last question really correlates with what I wrote about not having anything to post about.  If all our problems are solved, we could stop striving.  If we stop striving, we could actually die.  There has to be a struggle of some kind.

A struggle that does not include survival is not likely to attract much attention.  Life was not intended to be easy or soft.  People get bored and then they do stupid stuff.  One person is a small tragedy.  An entire nation is biblical.

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