Thursday, October 10, 2013

We don't know what we've got

When it comes to the things I blog about here, the thought came to me that there's is little appreciation for our great fortunes.  Too much focus on the negatives.

There are a lot of great things happening, but the focus is on petty things like the government shut down.

As mentioned in earlier posts, the shut down is largely a lot of huffing and puffing of politicians trying to make themselves seem more important than they really are.  They are like frogs that puff themselves up in order to look more impressive.  Just a lot of air, not much there.

The really big things are bubbling just beneath the surface.  One of these days, one of these things will make it to the surface and people will be amazed.  Then they may start coming one right after another.

Meanwhile, the politicians will keep on huffing and puffing trying to make themselves seem relevant.

The politicians can foul things up, sure.  The odds are that progress will go on and things will tend to get better and better.

We may be heading towards a Maslow window very soon now.  The discussion of Maslow windows was on the Space Show not that long ago.

The last Maslow window must have closed at about 1968.  All the evidence seems to point to that.  We seem to be in a kind of funk, but we'll snap out of that soon.

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