Saturday, April 16, 2011

Political contacts

I said that I don't get out enough. But I do more than I thought. Maybe I don't realize it sometimes.

Going through my junk mail, I notice solicitations from politicians that I have contributed to in the past. I got irritated with the political scene and stopped doing this. But they keep writing. What I could do is to suggest that if they are going to write to me, then they will listen. That's because I have no money to offer right now, but I can offer my thoughts.

Maybe they are only interested in my money, but they aren't going to get that. For one thing, I need it more than they do.

I know this is the easy way out, but it is something. It may not work, but nothing else is. Besides, if they show me that all they want is money, maybe I can just tell them to go take a hike.

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