Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Making how to videos

I have a long gap in my posting today because I am making these videos.  I realize not everyone knows how to upload videos to a web album.  Or, perhaps not everyone knows what a picasa web album is.  These videos will attempt to get someone started on this without needing to be especially web savvy.  My idea is to follow the Geico commercial slogan "so easy a caveman can do it".  This will depend upon my videos being sufficiently explanatory.  Hopefully, I'll be able to do that.  When I am finished, I will post them all on YouTube, and then link to them from this page.  I won't be putting them up on the public side of YouTube with my other videos.  If you want to see them, you have to come here first.  ( tee hee)

I expect to have this completed by the end of the day.

8 pm approx.

What a nightmare.  Actually, making web albums with Google Picasa is easy, but I managed to get sidetracked on something that wasted hours of my valuable time.  I finished up a total of 9 videos, and I think the last one is the most useful of all because it cuts through all the BS I had to go through in order to get the result I wanted.

If you watch all the videos, you will spend a lot of time on it as I did, but you won't spend as much, and you probably will learn not what to do.  In the end, you will know what to do and how to do it, I think.

This all assumes that you don't know how already.  If you would rather avoid watching the vids, which are very rough, and amateurish (sorry), you can read this:

1) Google "picasa" and click on web albums
2) Create google picasa account
3) You may have to download a software program.  Do that, but don't use it.
4) If you use their software program, God help you.  It will waste a lot of time and not work the way you intend.
5) Instead of using their software, just click on the upload button on the home page.  You can upload files manually one at a time.  This is the easiest part.  The key to remember is that you shouldn't use the software program.  Just you the web page and the upload button on it.  That should be easy enough.

Here are the links to the videos (click on the number in parenthesis) :

1) use google to search for picasa link
2) click on blue button to sign into picasa web album to create an account, if necessary
3)  fill in the form in order to create new account for google picasa web album
4) after creating google account, Download program??  Is it really necessary?  Here's why I wasted time.
5) downloading the executable file, and begin installation, here is where I get bogged down
6) after tech problems, got the run file running and installed, got Picassa software up and running
7) Picassa software scans the computer.  I didn't need nor want this.  Just need to upload 1 file at a time.
8) Still spending time doing what I didn't intend doing.  This software is for scanning computer (see above).
9) Here's where is should have been in the first place.  ( See 4 up above)  You may have to download this file, but don't use it.  Just use the upload button on Picassa web album home page.  The rest is self explanatory.



A link to my YouTube page is here.

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