Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Shape of Things to Come

This is a reference to a blog series written by Francis Poretto, aka Curmudgeon Emeritus of Eternity Road.  I had a link to his blog on my sidebar, and this post is to inform anyone interested that I have updated the link as a new link to this series.

What he says is fairly similar to what I've been reading from Chris Laird, which I have referenced many times on this blog. It may be similar to what Glenn Beck has been talking about, but I don't watch TV at all, except for sporting events, so I couldn't say about that one.

It may be too silly to think otherwise, but I would rather maintain an optimistic point of view.  If things were really this bad, you might as well go curl up into a light ball as in a fetal position and start sucking your thumb.  It may be impossible to get out of this mess, but it will definitely be impossible if nothing is done and done soon.  He may be right in that it may well be too late already.  Let's keep in mind that as long as we are alive and kicking, hope is still alive.  This might sound a little too pie in the sky, especially these days.

I do believe that solutions can be found.  But the will has to exist to solve our problems.  That is the fact that is in question.  Who will arise to lead the way?

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