Friday, May 3, 2019

Empty threats

The threat that Congress can jail Barr, because he didn't show for testimony, appears to be an empty threat.  If not an empty threat, it would be unprecedented, according to this link.

Yet, this House may try it.  They want the drama for political purposes.  Not to mention that Barr has his own threats, and they are feeling the heat themselves.

From the Constitutional perspective, members of Congress are exempt from arrest, except for felony, treason, or breach of peace.  In a confrontation, it would be hard for Congress to enforce its will this way, but it would be bad optics to start jailing people.  That would be especially be true for cabinet officials, such as Barr.

The one expedient that they have is impeachment, but the Senate would have to try the case and convict.

Barr is not likely to removed from office for not complying with an unreasonable subpoena.

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