Thursday, May 2, 2019

How deep down the rabbit hole can we go?

I've discussed the red pill/blue pill Matrix analogy so many times, that to do so again would only be ad nauseum repetitiveness.

But there's nothing to bring home the reality of this more than to have the revelation that I really haven't gotten very deep down into the rabbit hole myself.

Fer instance, I didn't know much about the FISA 702 abuses, and so I have been reading Judge Rosemary Collyer's findings on that.  Even though I have been reading CTH's discussions on the topic, evidently I have been nodding off as he went down into the rabbit hole.

Well, anyway, I went back and dug a bit deeper and confirmed CTH's words on this.  Essentially, we already have proof of Obama's political spying, but even I had not gotten that deep down into the rabbit hole.

Does anybody reading this grasp the significance of knowing, and still not knowing the truth?  Seeing it, and still not seeing it?

"We the People" are not even close to getting to the bottom of this rabbit hole, and those who are deeper aren't getting the message out well enough to bring the rest of us along.

Something has to change, or we will be back to business as usual within a short time.  The "matrix" will win unless we get a lot more focused and determined.  It is one distraction after another.  The distractions are a type of lying in order to direct your eyes away from the truth.

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