Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Seven Deadly Sins



With respect to standards,  if you do as they advocated back in the sixties, ie. "to do your own thing", and "define deviancy down", then you invite anarchy.


Hey, not another one of those long winded type posts?  Perhaps this won't be a longer post either.

On the other hand...

I've covered this topic before on this blog, but not of and by itself.  That is to say, it is not a post on this blog that is about the Seven Deadly Sins.  There are four posts which mention it, though

No late start today
Time is running (out ) again, drat it ---corrected
Sleepless night
Margaret Thatcher on Socialism

Now, my point isn't necessarily to bring up that I've covered this before.  My point is something else entirely. 

I was thinking about the Seven Deadly Sins and which one was my worst.  I had thought of it as laziness ( sloth), but it may not be the case if it ever was the case.

Why?  Well, because I realize that I actually work rather hard.  I am more industrious than I give myself credit.  But the reason that I found fault is that I realized that I had become a "disgusting fat body" like Private Pyle in the movie Full Metal Jacket.

Comparing myself to Private Pyle may have been a bit too harsh, but that is the way I am with myself all too often.

If sloth is not my worst sin, then what is?  I have to think that over again.  Maybe it still is, but not as much as it once was.  Maybe I have to work a bit harder at becoming truly industrious.

Now Ann Barnhardt has a prayer for those who don't pray.  I am of the tendency to say that I never pray.  But I have prayed before.  I just don't make a habit of it.   I remember her suggestion to pray to God that I don't want to go to hell.  I will remember to continue to remember that and I will pray that.  

By the way, when I pray, I pray the Lord's Prayer, which used to be part of the school day until 1963.  I memorized it because we all recited it every morning before classes began.

Once again, I point to leadership,.   There ain't any.  For this, these people have much to answer for.

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