Saturday, January 10, 2015

As long as I'm in a pissed off mood...

Why not use it?  Maybe something good can come from it.  Probably not, but what the heck?

Well, here goes...

Awhile back, I suggested a new political party.  But this idea doesn't require a political party, but it does require mass behavioral changes.  That probably means it won't work.

Anyway, the idea is to have a "none of the above" party.  The none of the above party's platform is simple:  "throw the bums out".  What you do as a member of this party is to always vote against the incumbent.  If you are happy with the incumbent, you should leave the party, because you are no longer in the none of the above frame of mind.

Some 50% of the people don't vote in the elections.  If you got those 50% to the the polls and voted against the incumbents, a lot of them would lose their jobs.  This is probably true more for the GOP than the Democrats, so the message here is clear.  The GOP has an advantage in the off year elections that they stand to lose if they don't get their shit together.

If there's any way I can punish these fucks, I'll think of it.  I promise you that.  If you want to be a member of this party, then take the pledge and mean it.  Follow the party platform and vote the bastards out.  If you do this, they will be very unhappy.  Good, they deserve to be.

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