Monday, January 5, 2015

Climate change

These people are full of it.

I've covered that issue already on this blog.  In order to believe them, you have to believe that an amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is 1/25th that of the planet Mars can have great effects on climate on Earth, but not on Mars.  If you haven't heard, Mars is very cold.  Yet its atmosphere is nearly all carbon dioxide.  By the warmist's theories, Mars should be warm, no?  It isn't, and we are told that it is because Mars' atmosphere is too thin.  The Earth on the other hand, has an atmosphere that is 100 times thicker.  There's a greenhouse effect here, but it doesn't come from carbon dioxide.  It couldn't.  The amount of carbon in the atmosphere is a mere trace, yet we are to believe that it has all these great effects, when that is not the case on Mars.  For Mars has 25 times more carbon than on Earth.

You don't have to be a scientist to grasp what they are trying to sell you is implausible.  Surely, a substance like carbon dioxide isn't all that impressive in changing the climate.  If it were so, especially to the degree that these people claim, Mars would be a much warmer place.  It isn't.

So, where does Earth get its greenhouse effect?  From water.  But you can't regulate water and keep a straight face.

Their claims are absurd.  The science is never settled on any issue.  They'd like for it to be settled because the evidence can never support the claim, and they know it.

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