Sunday, January 4, 2015

The "Evil Empire" is now in DC

parapundit: Our Enemy, The Empire

The United States used to be that way, until not long ago. And then it lost touch with itself. It became diseased with empire and the disease of empire has nothing to do with pith helmets or planting flags. It's what happens when the structure of the system becomes more important than the people. When that happens the old principles that are based on the people are set aside and replaced with principles that are based on the system.  Sultan Knish (blog)

There's no real difference in the political parties on this issue.  Former President George W. Bush once said that "nationalism" is a threat to America.  How can that be?  It is almost like saying the devil can cast himself out.  A house divided against itself can stand after all, if Bush is to be believed.

 For how is it that a nation that wants to sustain itself a threat to itself?  It is an oxymoron.

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