Friday, October 18, 2019

Obligatory, 10.18.19

A short blurb to kick off the blogging day.

I saw a headline while perusing the news, and it gave me an idea for this little blurb.  The headline said that "we are one election away" and then you can fill in the blank.

Actually, that is the nature of existence now, isn't it?  Everything happens on the margins.  The margins occur "at the next instance".  The next instance in politics is the election.  The election will determine what happens during the next cycle.  And so forth and so on.

We are one election away, therefore, from descending into socialism.  Or, we are one election away from the rebirth of freedom.  Think about it.

You can see why these politicians will do just about anything to win.  There's a lot at stake for them.  But there is a lot at stake for everybody.  But not everybody would agree and might think it all a bore.  In my opinion, that is a mistake.  A big mistake.

Perhaps one can now understand why I may be spending a bit more time on this than I should.  Yet, it seems as though I am not doing enough.  

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