Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Reagan's Evil Empire Speech

1983 text here.

Not enough time to read it, much less comment upon it.

The short amount I did read shows how far we have slipped since 1992 when Slick Willy took over.


I think I should pick up where I left off with this, as I have a little more time.  I finished reading it last night.

Even though I didn't vote for Reagan, I think he was the last good President that we had.  He fulfilled what is needed in a good leader:  a complete and comprehensive understanding of where we were as a nation, and where we needed to go.

After 8 years under Reagan, the GOP was riding high.  Upon coming into office, things looked rather grim, but after 8 years, the country was strong and prosperous, and still free.

It seems today that comparisons are being made with Obama.  The comparisons do not favor the current occupant of the White House.  Not if you consider the state of the nation as your point of comparison.  There are many negative trends that appear to have gotten worse.  It is interesting to note how they have gotten worse.

Same sex marriage is one.  After reading Reagan's speech, it can be seen that this is definitely not what the Gipper had in mind:

One recent survey by a Washington-based research council concluded that Americans were far more religious than the people of other nations; 95 percent of those surveyed expressed a belief in God and a huge majority believed the Ten Commandments had real meaning in their lives, and another study has found that an overwhelming majority of Americans disapprove of adultery, teenage sex, pornography, abortion, and hard drugs, and this same study showed a deep reverence for the importance of family ties and religious belief....Now, [Applause]…obviously, much of this new political and social consensus I’ve talked about is based on a positive view of American history, one that takes pride in our country’s accomplishments and record. But we must never forget that no government schemes are going to perfect man. We know that living in this world means dealing with what philosophers would call the phenomenology of evil or, as theologians would put it, the doctrine of sin.

[33] There is sin and evil in the world, and we’re enjoined by Scripture and the Lord Jesus to oppose it with all our might.

True, it wasn't mentioned explicitly, but how can homosexuality be excluded from the list of items underlined above?  Could it not be a form of adultery?  Can two same sexed people really be married and not living in sin?

Same sex marriage is but one example.  There are others.  What about cop-killing?  Where are we going to be if there is nobody to enforce the law?  Is the "law of the jungle" the new way for our society?  There has to be some type of law and there has to be enforcement of same, or there is chaos.  The culture has degraded to the point where cop-killing is no longer mere lyrics in some hip-hop music.  It is now considered to be some form of right if one is unhappy about the result of some jury proceeding.

What about freedom of speech?  If someone makes a video that insults some group, will that now be a cause for imprisonment?  It has already happened here for that video that was falsely claimed for the attacks in Benghazi.  The First Amendment clearly states that Congress shall make no law respecting the freedom of speech, but that didn't stop a man for going to jail for making a video that some group thought to be offensive.  It didn't happen here, but people did get killed in France because of a similar issue.  Is that too to be the new normal?  Say something offensive, and somebody has the right to kill on the basis of such offense?  For such is called "jihad".  Is "jihad" now a civil right?  Is that to be included with the political correctness we hear so much about?  If you disagree with the party line of the politically correct, are you to be cast into prison for it?  For such was the case in places like the Soviet Union.

Reagan, more than anyone else, ended the Soviet Union.  That was the evil empire of its day.  A new one seems to be rising, but who will lead the fight against it?

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