Friday, January 23, 2015

Islamic sexuality

You may not believe this, perhaps largely because I'll forget a lot of it, but the truth is that I spent the entire day on this video.

It should be contrasted with Kareem Abdul Jabbar's editorial that I saw in Time magazine while I was getting an oil change.  Well, the oil change took about an hour, so I really wasn't at this all day after all.

Jabbar says it's not about religion.  Funny thing:  in this video, Ann Barnhardt says Islam is not a religion.  In a way, you've got an agreement there, but it isn't the kind of agreement that Jabbar had in mind.  Jabbar wants Islam to be regarded as a religion, but you should watch this video and determine for yourself whether or not Islam deserves to be called a religion as we in the West understand it.

Everything that Barnhardt says is backed up by evidence.  The evidence is from the Koran itself, as well as Fatwas from Islamic authorities.  None of it is "made up stuff" and thus could be unjustly said to be untrue.  It is Islam in its own words.

Furthermore, those who kill in the name of Islam are not doing in the service of the truth, but in the service of those who want to keep the truth from getting to the public sphere.  For if the public knew the truth about Islam, the public would reject it.  That would be true even in this dumbed down, increasingly dysfunctional society we live in.  The reason we are dumbed down is that the truth doesn't get to us, because of the media and our so-called educational establishment.  The media designation includes such publications as Time magazine here, who won't point out the facts that Barnhardt points out herself.  Remember this:  it is straight from the "horse's mouth".  She's not making any of this stuff up.  It is Islam in its own words.

People need to know the truth, but they won't get it from the mainstream media that does so much to cover it up.

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