Tuesday, July 2, 2024

They do protest too much


Note: I have not read the opinion. Consequently, some of what I have written below may not be entirely correct. For example, I just read an article from the Hill that says that some official acts were mentioned. If that is so, I don't know. Unfortunately, reporting on the news of the day isn't always accurate.

My opinion still holds that this court refused to attend to the election of 2020, and that is what is partly at issue to this very day. The court is timid. However, one should keep in mind the left's continue threats against the Court.

I think this situation is dangerous. Generally speaking, if one looks at it that way, one could see how the court is being intimidated. The left is unhinged. We haven't seen the end of this by any means. Brandon has chimed in now. He is echoing the hysterical reaction that is so typical of the unhinged left.

end update of 7.1.24 post


The political left is having its usual cow over the SCOTUS decision about Presidential immunity. I find the decision to be the usual thing to expect from this timid court. It doesn't do what the left claims, but since they claim that it does, they might just try to test their theories. Some of them are talking that way.

In short, some of them are claiming a license that surely wasn't given to them.  It has never been given to any president, and certainly not with this timid court.  

Therefore, the problem is not this court. Or more accurately, that's not THE problem with this court.  The problem is that one of the political factions (Democrats) is out of control, and there doesn't seem to be a limit upon their passions. The Supreme Court did not impose any limits that weren't already there. The Court didn't grant any immunities to the presidency that weren't already there. There really isn't any way to stop a rogue President, you know. The only way to stop a rogue President is not to put him into office in the first place.  This is to have a president who is actually civilized and law abiding.  

I don't get that impression from the leftist side of the aisle.

But Trump!, they'll scream. But here's where they miss the point. Their objection is not upon any grounds for what he actually did, but what they claim he did. ANYBODY can claim something. Just because the political left claims that Trump did this or that, it doesn't make him guilty of it. But that isn't good enough for them. Oh, no. ANY political disagreement is now grounds for criminal charges. This is a trend for the political left for some time now. They will brook no dissent whatsoever, and anyone who disagrees is a bad person. Indeed, Trump hasn't done anything that they have accused him of. No, HIS CRIME is that he won an election, and threatens to win another. Indeed, he has already beaten them twice, and will likely beat them again. This is what really enrages them.

The Supreme Court refused to wade into the issue of who really won in 2020. They are gutless. This was a timid decision too because they refused to define what an official act is and decided to punt the issue to the lower courts. A gutless choice is like the one that gave us Brandon.  We likely won't see an end to the leftist depredations.

For that reason, nothing has been decided here. Nope. It may have to be decided by bloodshed. The Court is too timid to show any courage, and WE THE PEOPLE had better have a lot more than they do. The wolves are now snarling very loudly.  The sheep have no shepherds. Certainly not in THIS court.

Update awhile later:

Found this tweet on Twitchy. There are many like it.

Update #2:

Here's another tweet worth mentioning:

Exactly. We haven't heard the end of this by any means.

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