Sunday, June 30, 2024

"Nobody does the right thing"


With respect to Brandon's debate debacle, I thought of this again. What would be the right thing to do? The right thing to do would be to follow the law, but if these people had any respect for that, this situation wouldn't have arisen in the first place.

If Brandon is incapable of being President, then he should be removed via the 25th Amendment. Kamala Harris will become President. Then they could decide whatever they want in terms of who the nominee will be. There will be an election, and there will be a result. Everyone should accept it, provided that it is honest ( ha, ha ), and that will be that. That would be the right thing to do.

Will they do it? I think the odds are very low. The right thing to do may be out of reach because these people are not capable of it. They could have done the right thing all along, but instead they didn't. Now we have this. Why would they start doing the right thing? They haven't been doing that up till now.

end update of 3/27/24 post

Update of 12/30/11 post 

I was thinking about why the GOP often seems
not to do the right thing, and I remembered this 

the original post follows:

The following quote from The Sandmonkey in Egypt reminded me of the scene in the Bourne Identity:
That they will act right, despite the fact that throughout the history of humanity, there wasn’t a single proof that people, by themselves, will act right.
Too many people want to trust and believe politics.  It seems to have happened in Egypt.  That is a big, big mistake.  If war is politics by other means, then politics is war by other means too.

A free people need to be a virtuous people.  That's because without virtue, there is only the law of the jungle.  A free people can choose.  A captive people cannot.  Thus, to be free, you have to master yourself, or be mastered by others.

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