Wednesday, March 27, 2024

"Nobody does the right thing"

Update of 12/30/11 post 

I was thinking about why the GOP often seems
not to do the right thing, and I remembered this 

the original post follows:

The following quote from The Sandmonkey in Egypt reminded me of the scene in the Bourne Identity:
That they will act right, despite the fact that throughout the history of humanity, there wasn’t a single proof that people, by themselves, will act right.
Too many people want to trust and believe politics.  It seems to have happened in Egypt.  That is a big, big mistake.  If war is politics by other means, then politics is war by other means too.

A free people need to be a virtuous people.  That's because without virtue, there is only the law of the jungle.  A free people can choose.  A captive people cannot.  Thus, to be free, you have to master yourself, or be mastered by others.

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