Saturday, July 6, 2024

Political violence dead ahead?


If Slow Joe has gotta go, resignation won't do. Neither will replacing him at the DNC. There have been PRIMARIES. These have LEGAL consequences. You cannot just have FAKE primaries, then overrule them at your whim, donks. Besides, if you're replacing him because he is SENILE, this means he has to go---PERIOD. To satisfy the requirements of law, he must be declared incompetent via the 25th Amendment.

Let's see if this political ruling class of ours has the integrity to admit the truth. That's not likely, but not impossible.

end of update of 7/4/24 post


11:30 AM:

Just in case you thought this was a conspiracy theory...

10:56 AM

The only way out that involves some integrity and fidelity to the law, is to hold a vote in Congress according to the 25th Amendment. If Slow Joe hasn't got what it takes anymore, then he can be shown the door, and it would be legal straight down the line.

On the other hand, if they think that they can just replace Slow Joe after all the primaries, then they are making a mistake. As typical lefties though, they don't follow the law. They just try their damndest to get around the law. There are legal requirements that have to be made in order for them to make a switch. These have to be honored, but guess what? The RINOS will bail them out, as usual. They already did in Ohio.

end of 7.4.24 update of 7.2.24 post:

The guy in this video expresses some thoughts here that I'm having.

Also, Brandon himself goes on the air to denounce the immunity decision, and says that only a President's good character will stop him from violating the law because the Courts won't. You know what? That's what I wrote yesterday. The trouble is, Brandon and his party have failed the character test for a long time now.

The Constitution provides for a rogue president, in theory, but the theory doesn't work because of partisan politics. There's simply no way the Democrats are going allow one of their own to be removed. That's not true of the Republicans. Nixon had to resign because his party deserted him. This would never happen to a Democrat. Look at the Democrats now, for heaven's sake. The 25th Amendment could free them of the Biden problem, but they won't do it. They can't. They don't have the character.

So the guy in the video below is talking about the calls to assassinate Trump. He said his eyes were opened in 2020. But the evidence was there well before then. There was nothing that was kosher about the "Russia Russia Russia" claptrap. I railed against it again and again on this blog. So I'm not just blowing smoke. I can back that up. Read the blog!

How long has the system been broken? For a long time. How to fix it? That's what they call "a good question".

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