Saturday, April 16, 2016

"Our little ruse succeeded. Thank you."

From the movie, Braveheart.  The King, aka "Longshanks" sends his daughter-in-law, the Princess of Wales, to buy off William Wallace, who has just sacked York.  He anticipates that Wallace will refuse the bribe, so he has dispatched a large army in order to outflank him.  The Princess is shocked to hear how she has been used.

I think this anti-Trump business is a ruse.  The best thing that you could think of Cruz is that he is unaware as the Princess is in understanding how he is being used by the Establishment.  If Cruz is not innocent, and knows better, then how else can you interpret what he is doing but to betray somebody.  At best, Cruz is an innocent young lamb being led to the slaughter.  At worst, he is as big or worse cutthroat than the Establishment.  Either way, it is not good for Cruz.

A ruse is a false impression deliberately given with the intention of deceiving, therefore, it is quite definitely a fancy term for lying.  So, who's lying:  Cruz or the Establishment or both?

I think the most realistic assessment is that both are lying.  It all depends on who is the bigger liar.  You can get a feel for what is going on here if you read Shirer's book.  Then you can understand how evil Hitler really was.  Not saying that anybody is Hitler, here.  Only using it as an example, and that I think that they are both lying to themselves, to us, and to each other.  In the end, there will be betrayal.

We ought to know by now what the Establishment is.  What about Cruz?  We can surmise what his nature is by observing his campaign, and how he conducts it:

Cruz's campaign tactics:

Small donors at first, to sucker in the unwary and the unsophisticated

Somehow I got on Cruz's lists.  I've made donations before, but hardly none since 2006, when I began to suspect being taken for a ride.  I've gotten a close up of this character for a long time now.  For awhile there, I believed him.  But not enough to send him money.

Claims to be against what he termed the "cartel" that he now wants to join
See above.  Why would he want to join what he says he opposes?

Cruz's delegate strategy is undemocratic, in spite of all this; not a man of the people

This isn't really about the people, but the opposite.  Selling out.

Refusal to campaign against Trump until the end of the process

The unkindest ruse of them all.

Additional reasons for not believing Cruz.

After all this, then why believe Cruz?

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