Monday, April 11, 2016

The crux of the matter

In this presidential race, almost all of the vituperation seems to be directed at Donald Trump.  It is a curious thing to me.  If it were Kasich who had the lead, it wouldn't be like this.  If Rand Paul had the lead, they wouldn't be acting like this.  Romney didn't produce this kind of reaction.  So, what is driving this phenomenal opposition?

It must be free trade and open borders.  What else could it be?  Big money at stake, ya'll.  There's money in them thar trade deals.  Especially for the crooks negotiators who make the deals.

Cruz cannot escape this because he is on record for supporting TPA.  Without TPA, there's no TPP.  TPP leads to unlimited migration.  No?  Well, that's what I heard that it does.  Heck, that's why Obama wanted it.  It has to be true.  Why else would the bamster be for it?

Cruz claims to be against it, but it doesn't fool me.  If he didn't want Obama to have that power, he should have opposed TPA.  With TPA, you get unlimited migration.  It overrides Congressional limits that may be in place.  Cruz is worse than Rubio.  But he is a lot slicker than Rubio.  He can be all over the place on an issue, but make himself look as firm as the Rock of Gibraltar.

Glenn Reynolds wrote a book about an Army of Davids.  More like an Army of Judas's.

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