Friday, April 15, 2016

Past, Present, and Future: It's about time

This is probably going to be another one of those short posts, because it is just a thought.

Next to me, lies a book I've been re-reading.  It's the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by Shirer.  There have been Hitler comparisons recently, and this has sparked my renewed interest in the book.  The book is about the past, some seventy to eighty years ago.

Of course, I've been following the presidential politics on the GOP side for the last few months, perhaps.  This is about the present.

Now, I've been going over to the Next Big Future blog, and studying things that may be in our future.

Trying to figure all this out might get you something, or take you nowhere.  You can't do anything about the past, but learn from it.  You might speculate about the future, so as to prepare for it.  While in the present, however, forces far greater than yourself may prevent you from doing much about the present.  One might confine oneself to studying only things that may be of benefit to oneself, but how the hell do you know what that is?

At least it is something to do.

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