Sunday, April 10, 2016

Trade policies

There has only been some brief mention of this issue, reason being that it hasn't been a big deal to me.  Thanks to all the Trump bashing, it now is.

Truth be told, I never did believe in free trade uber alles.  This must be coming from the Chicago school of Economics, led by the Nobel Prize winner, Milton Friedman.

I know somewhere in this blog, I mentioned his book Free To Choose.  In that book, Friedman asserts that we don't have to worry about big trade deficits.  He went on to say that if we could only give our trading partners paper dollars in exchange for goods, that this would be "wonderful for us".  But this looks at the situation only from an economics perspective.  For if we went to war with the Axis powers with no other ability than to make currency, we couldn't have defeated Hitler nor Tojo.  Consequently, I have always had my doubts about how wonderful that scenario would be for us.

Trade deficits are bad.  Why else would China seek them, but at our expense?  We are all led to believe that this is harmless, but with China inheriting so much of what was once ours, what kind of future can we expect to have?

Since China was let into the WTO, the USA has been in state of economic decline.  Is this mere coincidence?  Or have we made some fundamental mistake that has cost us dearly?

China is now attempting to take over trade routes in the Pacific.  Why do you think they can do this?

Cruz is on video here in support of TPA, which was necessary for the TPP.  Yet another trade deal.  After all the mess that these deals have made, why should he be trusted after he did this?

The GOP has long been in favor in H1B visas.  Those are for tech jobs.  I remember reading on a bulletin board about how a guy lost his job because of this.  Yep, it definitely looks like the GOP really doesn't like working class people.  If they are going to abuse people this way, what sense does it make to support them anymore?  Back then, it didn't seem to matter as much.  But after all these years of continual abuse, it starts to pile up.  The GOP has something to answer for.  If there is going to be accountability, you have to pay attention to these kinds of things.

Either the accountability is going to take place within the party, it will take place outside.  If outside, it means the left, and that cannot be good news for the GOP.  Not that they care about that, mind you.  They can always take their money and run.

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