Saturday, October 24, 2015

Recap of last week's posts --- 10/24/15

Last one of these was back in February.  Back then, I was making "best of" lists.  I can include one of those with a short summary of what I wrote about this past week.

Seems like this week, the gravity of the situation facing us became more clear to me.  It also became clear to me that people don't like bad news!  Hey, at least nobody is shooting me yet for delivering the bad news.  But give it time.  This is what we call "progress" in this day and age.

Quick post before I go, 9/24/15   [comment:  It was about computer security.]
Home again, 9.22.15   [ comment:  The problem wasn't really resolved, but is being managed.  How?  Just keeping up with updates, mainly.  Besides that, I figure the desktop got infected when I was powering it up.  Now, the modem isn't powered up until the computer is up and running.  Before making this change, the modem was ready before the machine was finished loading all security programs, I'm guessing.  This was possibly the vulnerability that enabled a virus to get through.]
Something screwball is going on [comment:  looks to be about when I noticed a security problem.]
Fusion ideas  [ comment:  An idea to use lasers to confine electrons in the Polywell device.]

Quick post, 7/23/15: Stop your bitching?  [ comment:  a rather short post, and a joke. ]

At the risk of seeming wishy washy...  [ comment:  About Trump and the Pope.  Another way of looking at the situation.]

A little more on the launch failure  [ comment:  which reminds me:  what happened?  Need to find out.]

The future: an unknown road [ comment:  I get approved to drive for Uber. ]

What was that again about 10 bucks v. a million  [comment:  The best government that money can buy.]

More on the original thought  [ comment:  Al Gore and Company would want to punish me for writing this.]

Your butt belongs to us  [ comment:  a turn of phrase--- "Land of the free ( lunch ), home of the brave ( new world.)"]

Rise and Shine, 4/18/15  [ comment:  Daffy Duck, he the man. ]

That's it for now.  This goes back to my trip out West.  Since I've been back, that is.

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