Thursday, September 24, 2015

Quick post before I go, 9/24/15

  1. Computer security:  still working on it.  The anti virus software isn't finding anything, yet there is still a problem.  Performing many tasks to uncover problems, and finding a few, but whatever is causing the manifestations are still there.  Doing yet another update and scan as I write.  Very time consuming.
  2. Truck is not using that much oil.  They all use some.  However, there's a problem there too.  Talked to a driver with a very similar vehicle, and he reports something like what I've been experiencing, too.
  3. While waiting for a pickup yesterday, I noticed Obama meeting the Pope.  I noted how the talking heads were attempting to tell the viewers what they should think about this.  Nothing critical whatever.  Note that they NEVER reserve criticism of so-called conservatives.
  4. Note also that so-called conservatives are scared shitless of criticism, especially from the media.
Have to go.  The computer has appeared to have ended its scan.  I will note the results and go from there.  Then, it's off to the job.

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