Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Obligatory, 9/22/15

It may be wise to continue working on the security issue for a bit longer.  Not only that, but it is probably going to have to be an ongoing part of my computer management.  Like I wrote before on this blog, I resent that.  If the computer's operating system and so forth were designed properly, this wouldn't be happening.  It reminds me of how this country is being run.  There's too much crime and so forth.  The reason there's too much crime is that the leadership is content with there being more crime.  If the leadership were doing their jobs, crime would be a lot less of an issue.  They want crime to be an issue so that they can grab people's guns.

Okay, I've finished that mini-rant, there's other business.

One idea I have, which I have written about alreadyis to build a wall between the northern greenhouse and the canopy.  The wall would run east to west about 24 feet.  It's purpose would be to provide shade from the sun in the summer, and a wind block in the winter.  The greenhouse would fit up against it on the northern side.  It would get full sun in the summer, but would be in the shade in the winter months.  Not very useful for passive solar, but that's okay.  I am thinking of using the trailer as a solarium for that purpose.  It will be behind the shack I built.  In the middle of the wall/greenhouse and the shack/solarium will be the canopy.  I will park under the canopy and deploy the tarp in order to have additional shade in the summer.  Also, the tarp can be used for rainwater collection.  The tarp will be rolled up and stored when not needed.

One more detail is that if I am going to use a wind turbine on top of the van, I'm going to have a problem deploying the tarp.  Also, do I need a door on the front of the parking spot/canopy?

Some of these thoughts are repetitive, which indicates a lack of organization.  That's a fault I have, doggone it.

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