Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Quick post, 10.21.15; Gun-grabber threat must not be underestimated

This is the big one that they just dropped.  If this is allowed to ever become law, then the rule of law and the rights to self-government of a free people will be lost---probably forever.

This must never become law of the land.  It simply cannot be tolerated.

There are people who believe that the next election can deal with this.   I am not so sure.  There is this tendency of people to give in to authority.  But what happens when the authority has become perverse?  It must be resisted---even at all costs.  But it must be done intelligently.  Something like a tax strike will never do the trick here.

People won't resist is my point.  Once this takes hold as law, it become legit.  Opposition to it become delegitimized.  It may well be too late by that time.  It is already very late as it is.

There's just too much complacency.  I fear the worst.

Update ( 10.23.15)

Instapundit has a link to a write up about this, which explains what's going on from a legal perspective.  It is clear that the battle lines are drawn--- the left wants gun control and will have it unless something changes.  They'll push it through the courts once they get enough justices appointed to the Supreme Court.  Eventually, they'll get the justices they want on the Court.

That's why you need an Article V convention.  Unless they court's powers are cut back through an amendment, the left will be able to impose their version of law upon the rest of us.

You can see that the reliance upon elections has accomplished with Roe v. Wade.  Not only did that fail, but we got another Roe with the homosexual marriage decision.

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