Monday, October 19, 2015

Brave New World and Artificial Wombs

Could it be possible to gestate a human being outside of the womb?  Over at Al Fin's blog, there is a lengthy discussion of the possibility.

This is remarkably like the way human procreation was accomplished in the novel Brave New World.  Not so sure that this is a good thing if it were to become reality.  If women won't have children, it may well be the only thing that can save what we like to refer to as civilization.  The advanced nations of the world are following ancient Rome's footsteps.

Another angle to this is the space migration to the stars.  Let's say that you were to save the embryos until you get to your destination. Lots easier to do that than to keep people alive on the entire journey.  Robots would operate the artificial wombs and then raise the children after the destination is reached.  These children would never see the Earth.

At any rate, the future holds a much different possibilities than what was presented on Star Trek, that's for sure.

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