Saturday, April 18, 2015

Rise and Shine, 4/18/15

Been awhile since I did one of these.  It's not a series, it's just a habit.  A habit of calling a post by a certain name, but distinguishing it from other posts by the same name by adding the date.

Well, anyway, lots of things to do, so little time.  I have to reorganize myself after the whirlwind of activity of these past 3 weeks.  It's been 3 weeks already since I left my paying job and took on this spending job.  The difference between paying and spending is that the paying puts money in your pocket and the spending takes it out!  Either way, paying or spending, I'm still working.  That's why I call it a "spending job".

Aw!  You should love what you are doing!  It's your dream!  Yeah, my dream doesn't include aching muscles and joints.  I'm like Daffy Duck:  I can't stand pain, it hurts me...
Web page, click here for more Daffyisms
With respect to my Dream, I'm thinking up some more ideas.  Uh, oh!  That's what got me this mess in the first place!  Oh, well.  Life ain't no bowl of cherries.  Problems are good because that's how we know we are alive.  Only dead people have no more problems.  Gimme the problems.  Solving them or even just the attempt of solving them makes me feel good in my spirit even though my body aches.

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