Saturday, April 18, 2015

Another trip out West?

The thought has just crossed my mind.  It is not a happy one to consider that the current configuration of the quonset hut will not survive the elements.  It may take some more work to make it hold up for the next 30 months before I can be out there full time.  In 30 months, this thing will have to be taken down and rebuilt.

What would be worse ( or better ) ?  To rebuild the thing, or try to design it for 30 months while I'm away?

To let the thing go down would be hard to take after so much effort.  Sometimes, as I learned in investing, you have to take your lumps so that you can live on to fight another day.

Another thing to consider is that if you're going to worry about it that much, you may as well go out there permanently.  I don't absolutely have to go now, or do I?  In 30 months, I may not be able to do what I just did.

Tough call.  Frankly, I didn't want to leave.  But, I felt I had to for my own good.  Now, I feel the tug to go back, and finish the job.

The real problem here is money.  There's just not enough of it.

I don't have to decide right now, but I don't have much time.

More on this tomorrow.  I wanted to put something up now so as to remind myself to think carefully about this, as I may not get another chance.

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