Tuesday, May 26, 2015

More on the original thought

The lightening and the thunder have quieted down a lot, but those alerts were indeed about flooding.  Just checked them out.  Yechh.

You can mentally confirm the elevation causes temperature changes from the weather.  Hot air rises, cools, condenses the water and then FREEZES it into hail.  The weather maps show what looks to be some areas with hail.

So, what's the difference in pressure between the head and toes?  It so happens that I looked up a site yesterday and got an answer of sorts that I will share here.  It may not be completely accurate, but it may still prove useful.  The pressure will change 1 mm of mercury for every 13 meters  ( approx. )  There are 760 mm mercury at sea level, if memory serves.  If I wasn't too lazy, I'd look it up again, but that only demonstrates my point, doesn't it?

I think it is accurate enough to make the point.  Almost all people are less than 2 meters tall.  If you extrapolate, ( which may not be accurate again, but it is lazy and fast ), then that is about 1/6 th of a mm of mercury in pressure difference.  Not enough to really notice, but a definite difference.  So, what is the difference in temperature?  That may be what they call a good question.

Extrapolation may not work here.  I may have to look up an answer to this.

There probably isn't one really, but I do note that the man made global warming crowd can muddy the waters with a lot of scientific jargon.  They do get paid to produce the results that are in line with what the politicians want.  ( So, I suspect )

I looked up "snow line" on Wikipedia.  This can give an alternate explanation for why glaciers retreat.  Moisture has to be present, so in arid regions, there are no snow lines because there is no snow, like in Chile's Atacama Desert.

I think extrapolation may be useful.  About 15 feet at the equator is where the snow line is.  This means at 15000 feet, the temperature is nearly freezing all the time, whereas on the ground at sea level, it could be anywhere from 80 to 100 degrees Farenheit.  Let's say an even number of 50 degrees Farenheit for every 15k feet.  This translates to about a degree every 100 meters.

Valid?  Maybe not in a purely scientific way, but certainly so with common sense, which is sneered at these days.

Come to think of it, maybe it doesn't work that way at all because my land is 4600 feet.  So, 4600/3.25 meters is 1415 meters divided by 100 equals 14 degrees Farenheit.  Wishbone likes to compare my land to Phoenix and says it will get to a 110 all the time out there.  It doesn't.  This little estimate may show why.  It is too elevated to get that hot.

Phoenix is at 340 meters, or a clear 1000 meters or more than my land.  More than 10 degrees Farenheit.  If it gets 115 in Phoenix, it may get to 105 in Sierra Blanca and that's probably close.  It doesn't get to 105 all the time in Sierra Blanca, but it can get that hot for short periods.

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