Saturday, April 25, 2015

My reaction to Bill Ayers

This link came to me via Instapundit, whose reaction that seems to dwell on the anti-American aspect of the guy's rants.  My reaction is somewhat different, in that this guy is being touted as having some sort of special knowledge and understanding, yet he is an ignoramus.

One of the left-wing's favorite fairy tales--- that we are running out of resources, is nothing but pure nonsense.

And here we are 4% of the world’s population, 4.5% of the world’s population, consuming vast amounts of natural resources, consuming vast amounts of finished goods, and no politician will say that the empire is declining and that the game is over. [emphasis added]

We cannot consume vast amounts of natural resources.  The reason is plain old physics and chemistry, which this clown doesn't seem to understand.  Let me go over this with the thought challenged amongst you.  If you stay with me, maybe you will learn something.

Nothing gets "used up".   The only thing that happens is that the chemical bonds change.  Every atom that makes up a resource, whatever it may be,  is virtually indestructible.  You don't change atoms, you change its chemical bonds, which consist of electron bonds between the fundamental elements that make up the compound in question.  That is to say, when you burn gasoline in your car, you change it from a liquid chemical ( gasoline ) to primarily water and carbon dioxide.  You don't use anything but the breaking of the chemical bonds in the gasoline that unleash energy that can power your auto.  The waste products are water and carbon dioxide.

They say that carbon dioxide itself is harmful, but there is so little of it in the atmosphere that it cannot possibly hurt anything, and besides, it is input to plants that make food for us to eat.  Nothing is lost.  No harm is done.  Yet these ignoramuses claim that there is harm.  The climate is changing because of this carbon we put into the atmosphere.  What nonsense.

The fact of the matter is that they don't know what the hell they are talking about, or they are lying their butts off.  In either case, their lying or their incompetence causes more harm than the harms that they are alleging that are happening.

The fault in our educational and information disseminating infrastructure is that this kind of nonsense gets treated as if it were truth, but the truth will not and is not tested.  Hence young people are deceived.

The real problem is an entirely different one than this fool suggests.  This fellow has no business influencing the young and it is to our discredit that he is allowed to do so.

You should demand the truth.  You should not accept information without it being testable for truth and accuracy.  This is resisted by these people, either because they are frauds and know it, or they are so imbued with some sense of belief that they cannot bear the thought of being wrong.  Either way, they should not be trusted, and it is to our very great discredit that so many people do.

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