Friday, April 24, 2015

Researching beekeeping

Very early stages of research.  While I was out at "da Ranch", I could have sworn that I saw a bee swarm.  It is conceivable because there were so many flowering plants at that time.  Quite possibly a free range honeybee can produce honey with what is already available, thus the idea.

While I'm thinking of it, I realize that teaching myself everything is the hard way.  Perhaps the simplest thing is to befriend a beekeeper who knows this stuff already.  I think the opportunity is there to raise a lot of bees.  I don't think there's any competition.

By the way, do you know the term for a person who teaches himself things?  Such a person is an autodidact.  Sounds like a disease, doesn't it?  Is autodidacting contagious?  If it were, it might be a good thing.  Here's somebody learning the ropes:

This one will go into the food subseries of the off-the-grid series of posts.

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